07549504281 agjstewart1@gmail.com


Alastair is a Chartered PR practitioner and strategic public affairs specialist with private sector, parliamentary and NGO experience. 

He is a national columnist specialising in Scottish history, devolution and UK politics. His interests also include pop culture and theate reviews.

Alastair’s bylines include The Times, The Scotsman, The Herald and the Edinburgh Evening News.

He has a particular interest in Winston Churchill’s connections to Scotland.


E: agjstewart1@gmail.com

M: 07549504281

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The Scotsman

Print album 


  1. Why Scottish Greens’ presence in government was a good thing 
  2. Humza Yousaf’s paternity leave is all very well but many fathers are struggling to do their bit
  3. Scottish independence: There are two different Humza Yousafs when it comes to how to leave the UK
  4. King Charles needs to keep some royal mystery or the monarchy’s popularity may slump
  5. Governments can only do so much about climate change. Consumers must not be complacent about their power
  6. Twitter’s blue tick: Why Elon Musk was right to end old ‘lords and peasants’ system
  7. Russia’s war on Ukraine: Humza Yousaf should call for Vladimir Putin’s diplomats in Edinburgh to be expelled from UK
  8. King Charles’ coronation needs to be grand, loud and very British 
  9. Nasa’s return to the moon gives some much-needed new hope about humanity’s future
  10. I was wrong about American-style TV debates. They’re vital in spotting political duds like Liz Truss
  11. SNP can learn from Conservatives about how to recover from ‘utter shambles’
  12. BBC licence fee lies at the heart of the Gary Lineker immigration/impartiality row 
  13. ChatGPT: Humanity may be safe from rise of AI bots for now, but they’re starting to get scary
  14. James Bond books: I’m a fan of Ian Fleming’s novels and the real question is whether the supposedly ‘woke’ edits go far enough
  15. SNP leadership race: Youthful candidates lack ‘big beast’ gravitas to hold divided party together
  16. Scottish independence movement may be finished after elevating Nicola Sturgeon too high
  17. Nicola Sturgeon: Sexism is behind many attacks on First Minister and other female leaders
  18. Sam Smith is hurting no one but has become a target of culture war bigotry
  19. Brexit: Where’s the public outrage over the awful reality of leaving the EU?
  20. Scottish independence: Outsiders, from Rishi Sunak to expat celebrities, seem to want to tell Scotland what to do
  21. Scotland’s alcohol problem: Spanish-style tapas bars could help create a cafe culture which could save us from our national embarrassment
  22. Harry’s crusade suggests he thinks he is the only one ever to have domestic squabbles 
  23. New Year’s resolutions: Why we should probably all resolve to stop making them this year
  24. Jeremy Clarkson’s remarks about Meghan Markle are a symptom of our 21st century Dark Age
  25. Scottish independence: Dear Santa, please give the SNP a referendum, it’s the only way they’ll shut up about it and start governing the country properly
  26. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny: Film industry may discover that immortality for actors is no Holy Grail
  27. I’m a Celebrity: Matt Hancock’s jungle sabbatical adds to feeling that politicians are in it for themselves – Alastair Stewart
  28. After Supreme Court’s Scottish independence referendum ruling, Nicola Sturgeon should resign
  29. Scottish independence: SNP needs to get real about foreign policy. Flowery moralpolitik doesn’t cut it in the real world
  30. Scottish independence: Unionists who call themselves democrats cannot deny SNP a referendum
  31. Backlash against Hancock’s jungle foray is predictable when we don’t know what MPs really do
  32. Immaturity, simplicity and populism prevail in our politics – and it’s toxic
  33. Dyslexia: Let’s drop the clichés and start recognising the cost, the challenges and the condition’s different forms 
  34. Winston Churchill loved Scotland. The least Scotland can do is drop the ugly myths about him
  35. Nicola Sturgeon’s ‘I detest the Tories’ remark may set a bitter tone for independence push 
  36. Films that ‘fictionalise’ reality are leading more than just Garfield astray
  37. Winston Churchill painted to relieve depression. I discovered the therapeutic effects of scale modelling during lockdown
  38. Liz Truss and King Charles can learn from Richard Nixon’s successor, Gerald Ford, about power that lacks democratic legitimacy
  39. Volume of sexist, violent and misogynistic attacks on female politicians is harrowing
  40. This England: Is it too soon to make a drama out of a crisis?
  41. Edinburgh International Book Festival: Why the book will never die even in the Internet Age
  42. Edinburgh Festival Fringe: Crying baby at Matt Forde’s show should weep over increasingly selfish attitudes that are eroding society
  43. Former prime ministers like Gordon Brown and John Major should set up non-party political ‘brains trust’ to help the nation in times of crisis
  44. James Bond’s enduring appeal is best understood through the books
  45. Televised Tory leadership debates are a charade that sums up our trying times 
  46. Tom Hanks enters culture wars over role as gay man in Philadelphia but fails to mention his most insensitive tropes
  47. As Tory leadership contenders burnish their military credentials, will a new Winston Churchill emerge or just a little generalissimo?
  48. Labour’s refusal to consider return to EU shows it’s just pandering to Boris Johnson’s populist myths
  49. Scottish independence referendum: SNP and unionist parties have put Scotland on course for Catalonia style chaos
  50. Scottish independence: SNP’s permanent revolution is showing signs of Maoist tendencies and George Orwell’s Two Minutes Hate
  51. NHS in crisis: How private businesses can ease the pressure on the health service
  52. What now for justice in the high stakes court of public opinion?
  53. Anti-feminism and anti-woke backlashes is being disguised as legitimate criticism
  54. Scotland’s council elections produced a slew of coalitions, but why can’t the public have a say in their make-up?
  55. Scottish independence: Unionists should learn from history and form an anti-SNP alliance
  56. Keir Starmer to oust Boris Johnson? How history shows UK may be ready for a boring prime minister
  57. Scottish independence: ‘One-party state’ Scotland needs to find a resolution to its perennial problem
  58. Netflix’s The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On is wholesale relationship slaughter and one reason why streaming services are in trouble
  59. Film and TV industry should realise that sometimes we need heroes to help us escape from reality
  60. Covid finally got me and, trust me, we all still need to keep testing for this awful disease 
  61. Ukraine war: Vladimir Putin’s regime, not ordinary Russians, is responsible for the deaths and destruction
  62. Will Smith might have been in the right, but in the real world his slap would hurt a lot more
  63. Ukraine-Russia war: Volodymyr Zelensky is demonstrating that heroes really do exist – Alastair Stewart
  64. Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee: A damp squib of an institution in decline or a return to the heady days of 2012?
  65. Social media algorithms can drive traffic for seemingly harmless film and TV reviews laced with racism, sexism and other forms of prejudice
  66. Russia-Ukraine war: West must resist crisis fatigue and realise opposing Vladimir Putin requires long-term commitment
  67. Ukraine-Russia war: Boris Johnson could be a worthy leader if he learns from Ukraine’s own Winston Churchill, Volodymyr Zelensky 
  68. Women-only carriages on trains: Proposal shows the need to get tough on extreme anti-social behaviour
  69. Anti-car rhetoric is rising amid climate emergency but not all motorists are out for a Top Gear-style jolly
  70. Disney’s Pam & Tommy may be ‘based on’ fact, but should be viewed as fiction
  71. Social media: We need to reassess the increasing digitisation of our lives
  72. Boris Johnson beware. Scots MPs brought down Jim Callaghan and even tried to oust Winston Churchill during Second World War
  73. Downing Street parties: Boris Johnson is unlikely to go quietly so we can expect increasingly angry soundbites and absurd policies
  74. Cobra Kai’s success as a Karate Kid sequel is based on its adherence to Aristotle’s advice to be ‘consistently inconsistent’
  75. Covid lockdown restrictions have strained many friendships, but the true ones will remain
  76. Covid: New Year’s resolutions in the pandemic age are a mistake
  77. The question of what to do with the work of controversial artists
  78. Covid in Scotland: Nicola Sturgeon should realise even Winston Churchill’s rhetoric couldn’t hide the need for results in this war against the pandemic
  79. Covid Omicron variant: Government should act decisively, not keep us all on tenterhooks with constant warnings
  80. Think Winston Churchill hated Scotland? Think again
  81. We need a cultural shift that equates wellbeing with success 
  82. Scotland’s NHS is in crisis as people fail to realise that they too could become a statistic 
  83. COP26 climate change summit: A world government may be required to truly tackle global warming
  84. Scotland’s councillors should be better paid given their level of responsibility for education, environment, homelessness and more
  85. Vicious political language is spilling over into violence. We must change how we talk about each other
  86. Covid pandemic saw planning consultations go online. The results were not what you might expect
  87. How James Bond is being let down by Boris Johnson and co in the battle for hearts and minds
  88. Scottish independence vs the Union: Police Scotland and Gaelic being drawn into culture-war politics is a sign we’re in trouble
  89. SNP-Green ‘coalition’ is not what Scotland voted for and there is a better way to run the country
  90. Covid vaccine passports should be expanded to become full-blown medical ID cards
  91. Scottish independence: Why the Scottish Parliament should be given the power to call second referendum
  92. Dyslexia is not a superpower or a ‘gift’, whatever Princess Beatrice says
  93. Spain’s most far-right town was made rich off the backs of low-paid migrant workers but some still long for General Franco’s return
  94. SNP needs to get real about foreign policy in a complicated world
  95. Is Nicola Sturgeon at risk from the ‘curse’ of China’s panda diplomacy?
  96. Love Island is brain-dead smut and reality TV is the modern-day equivalent of Victorian freak shows
  97. Scotland can’t just play the perfect friend on the world stage
  98. Boris Johnson is not a true conservative in the style of either One Nation Tory Benjamin Disraeli or Margaret Thatcher
  99. James Bond: Will a physically imperfect 007 ever face a handsome supervillain or will out-dated stereotypes continue?
  100. Reading Hitler and Lenin does not make you a Nazi or a communist. We must examine the worst of our history
  101. Scottish independence: MSPs who are also MPs, like Douglas Ross, could help keep the Union together – Alastair Stewart
  102. Scottish independence: Scots living in rest of UK should be allowed to vote in any future referendum
  103. Scottish independence, like Brexit, depends on creating a villain as politics turns into militant smearing
  104. Scottish independence: Irredentism, not nationalism, will deliver a Yes vote
  105. We should elect the monarch – and banish a millennium’s worth of privilege
  106. Scottish independence: Why Dominic Cummings’ gift to the Yes campaign is no good reason to leave the UK
  107. Nicola Sturgeon’s personality cult may mean she will ultimately face the same fate as Margaret Thatcher
  108. Scottish independence may seem a good idea amid ‘post-war’ euphoria of Covid pandemic’s end but history warns against unrealistic dreams
  109. Why reliance on social media is bad for our politics
  110. Politicians must act to shore up flagging public morale as motivation to follow the rules flags
  111. Winston Churchill was close friends with a founder and leader of the SNP, Andrew Dewar Gibb, and supported Scottish home rule
  112. Scottish independence: Why James Bond’s most incredible mission just might be saving the Union
  113. Digital exclusion is not just a problem for the elderly 
  114. How can we love the art while hating the artist?
  115. Why Douglas Ross should remain an MP 
  116. Scottish independence: How a federal UK could save the Union
  117. George MacDonald Fraser’s Flashman can teach us a lesson in morality
  118. Donald Trump is the President who would be king, just as shine comes off Britain’s Royal family
  119. VE Day: Why Britain is not overly obsessed with the Second World War
  120. Climate change means lockdown-induced boom in working from home is here to stay
  121. Coronavirus: Why we should beware talk of global utopia after Covid-19 threat recedes
  122. Coronavirus: Is Britain now at war with Covid-19? 
  123. Coronavirus: How Covid-19 could torpedo independence
  124. Amateur ‘coronavirus experts’ should learn a lesson from Jurgen Klopp
  125. Thatcher, Churchill and the Lib Dems: The danger posed by simplistic judgements 
  126. Freedom of movement in the EU was a geopolitical wonder
  127. How Scotland’s political parties failed to respond to devolution 
  128. How TV talent shows exploit a horrible human instinct
  129. Why hating the Tories is bad for Scotland
  130. We need healthy debate over avoidable deaths
  131. Never mind saving the world, a Jane Bond could change it 
  132. How Hollywood seems to be embracing use of ‘ghost actors’
  133. Should we treat Tony Blair as an elder statesman or put him on trial?
  134. Churchill’s roar drowns out Johnson’s huge ego 
  135. We need to talk about an independent Scotland’s foreign policy
  136. Brexit: Why Gibraltar’s border issue is most likely flashpoint for violence
  137. Nuclear weapons: Big question is whether UK would use them in revenge 
  138. Brexit: How Brexiteers’ worldview can be understood through history 
  139. Brexit Britain must realise it cannot stand alone in the 21st-century world
  140. Why people are not listening to Greta Thunberg
  141. A robust Tory party can only be good for Scotland’s democracy 
  142. Corbyn can save the Union if he embraces federalism
  143. Why political opinion polls may well be harming our democracy
  144. How to make your career ambitions come true in the digital age 
  145. The danger to democracy posed by voting apps and internet politics
  146. How we’ve failed to heed Nikita Khrushchev’s warning about personality cults
  147. How US-style politics could be damaging British democracy
  148. What the public can learn from MPs’ pragmatism
  149. French Revolution has lessons for Brexit Britain
  150. One more (reluctant) fight – that’s why we love comeback screen heroes (print only)
  151. The European Union’s biggest failure? Explaining what it does
  152. Why we’re fascinated by Jeremy Kyle, Katie Hopkins and the like
  153. Why Gothic Edinburgh was born to be Gotham City
  154. MP for Spain? Expats need a voice
  155. Brexit: Why it’s wrong to blame the older generation
  156. Social media addiction is gaining recognition from an unlikely source 
  157. How does the UK reconcile post Brexit? (print only)
  158. Brexit: To expats in EU, the UK sounds like it’s preparing for war 
  159. Dear John McDonnell, if Winston Churchill is a villain, who is a hero? 
  160. Scottish independence would strip Churchill of his ‘Britishness’
  161. Here’s how to end the UK’s ‘elective dictatorship’ 
  162. Will tourist tax have the same effect on tourists as plastic bag tax had on bags? 
  163. What Donald Tusk can learn from Winston Churchill 
  164. Winston Churchill: Ross Greer is wrong, but so is Piers Morgan 
  165. Scottish Secretary should be elected by MSPs
  166. Donald Trump’s wealth is no reason to denounce him 
  167. Churchill once defended ‘Scottish nationalism’ at Ibrox stadium
  168. Disagreeing is a virtue our society is fast forgetting (print only)
  169. Macedonian village healer changed my life in a way I didn’t expect
  170. North Macedonia? Don’t you ‘North Briton’ me!
  171. Scotland is the Casablanca of the Great Brexit
Edinburgh Evening News

Photo album


  1. NHS has languished in the shadows for far too long
  2. Orthodox good will reflects our Scottish diversity 
  3. Covid in Scotland: Something is terribly wrong with our NHS
  4. Edinburgh’s statue slavery row: Interactive, digital plaques could be used to teach us their real history
  5. Going digital is the way forward for planning
  6. Today it’s a fear and loathing in Edinburgh day
  7. Meadows action plan should be a city template
  8. Why aparthotels are ready-made Covid solution
  9. It’s time for a rethink on living in retirement
  10. Scotland needs fresh ideas for empty homes
  11. Donald Trump has saved our democracy
  12. Going digital is no quick fix for Christmas cheer
  13. This war on virus is unearthing political truths
  14. Switch to digital is boosting community engagement
  15. Don’t let social media scare stories add to pandemic fears 
  16. Churchill’s Scottish connections run deeper than we may think
  17. Tory strength in opposition is good for Scottish democracy
  18. Colour-blind casting ensures new talent gets recognition
  19. Disabled can bear brunt of social shaming in Scotland 
  20. Two decades after devolution, do we actually understand it? 
  21. A problem with pubs re-opening
  22. Great men and women have earned a place in our history
  23. We’re a shell shocked nation in need of cautious optimism
  24. Let’s make our streets interactive learning places
  25. Even reduced democracy is better than no democracy
  26. If we don’t all follow the rules then the chances are none of us will
  27. Coronavirus: Is lockdown showing us the shape of things to come?
  28. Coronavirus: Let’s get virtually married, it will be good for morale
  29. Coronavirus: Isolation will start the clock on a mental health timebomb
  30. Immigration: The UK’s new policy is an affront to reason
  31. As a society, we seem torn between fear and optimism
  32. Burns Night a good time to see our history for what it is
  33. We don’t need a solution to homelessness, we need a resolution
  34. Would independent Scotland be a ‘good global citizen’

International Comment

E: agjstewart1@gmail.com

M: 07549504281

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Triling (News 24) - Macedonia
Euroweekly News -Spain
  1. Teacher in Spain launches online petition for MPs for Brits living abroad
  2. A very British fudge – why democratising the Monarchy may be the best compromise 
  3. It’s time to call Theresa May undemocratic
  4. Votes for life must only be the beginning
  5. Why it’s time for overseas MPs
  6. Passports are a hint of things to come
  7. Guns will stop the US government? Give me a break
  8. Is Batfleck the hero for the Trump generation?
  9. Star Trek: Discovery isn’t really Star Trek
  10. If Nigel Farage is calling for a second referendum, it’s time…
  11. Decluttering social media
  12. New Year’s resolutions are hogwash
  13. The Apprentice is bad for business and bad for the BBC
  14. Have you noticed something about Bond villains?
  15. I’m a member of the Scottish Parliament – Get Me Out Of Here
  16. It’s not superhero fatigue, it’s misery fatigue
  17. Brits abroad must help support stray cats and dogs
  18. Shouldn’t International Men’s Day be as important as the female…
  19. Lights, camera, Salmond!
  20. The rise of the social media wedding
  21. Kevin Spacey has betrayed his fans and they’re hurting too
  22. Why irredentism explains Brexit
  23. Catalonia was a gross injustice, plain and simple
  24. The day America accidentally dropped a nuclear bomb on Spain
  25. Read this before you see the film Dunkirk
  26. Don’t be afraid of the big, bad doctor
  27. The Diana tapes are a ‘macabre indulgence’
  28. Brexit, the game show!
  29. Stop panicking about new Doctor Who Jodie Whittaker
  30. Expatriates need to stop calling themselves ‘expats’
  31. Doctor Who travels through space, time and… Spain
  32. Why doesn’t Spain love the iPhone?
  33. Why Brexit matters in Almeria
  34. Dual mandates are wrecking British politics
  35. Who’s who in Almeria politics
  36. Our responses to terror must be consistent
  37. Opinion: Why Tim Farron had to go
  38. When Winston Churchill bribed Spain’s General Franco
  39. May-day: Looking at the General Election result
  40. Grenfell Tower blaze victims deserve justice
  41. Why Theresa May is wrong about human rights
  42. Of course Wonder Woman deserves an all-female showing
  43. Understanding Spain’s political parties
The Sol Times - Spain

Print album


  1. A street called 17 January 1966 
  2. At home and abroad: What does Europe mean? (print)
  3. A very British fudge – Why democratising the Monarchy is the only way forward
  4. Brexit makes me angry, and you should be too
  5. Brexit, the game show! (print)
  6. Brexit thoughts: Through the glass, darkly with Mrs May (print)
  7. Boris, Brexit and Britons in Spain (print)
  8. Brits abroad must support stray cats in Europe
  9. Can you compare Scotland and Catalonia (print)
  10. Catalonia was a gross injustice, plain and simple (print)
  11. Decluttering the hell of social media
  12. Did the sun really seton the British empire? (print)
  13. Doctor Who travels through space, time…and Spain
  14. Don’t be afraid of the big, bad doctor (print)
  15. Dual mandates are wrecking British politics (print)
  16. Expatriates need to stop calling themselves ‘expats’ (print)
  17. Gibraltar doesn’t, shouldn’t and won’t bother the Spanish (print)
  18. Grenfell Tower blaze victims deserve justice (print)
  19. Guns will stop the US government? Give me a break!
  20. Have you noticed something about Bond villains? (print)
  21. History and hope over terror and tyranny (print)
  22. How do the Spanish feel about the UK general election? (print)
  23. I’m a member of the Scottish Parliament, get me out of here!
  24. If Nigel Farage is calling for a second referendum, it’s time for a rethink 
  25. Is Batfleck the hero for the Trump generation?
  26. Is Discovery Star Trek?
  27. It’s time to call Theresa May undemocratic
  28. It’s not superhero fatigue, it’s misery fatigue
  29. Kevin Spacey has betrayed his fans and they’re hurting too 
  30. Lights, camera, Salmond
  31. May, Rajoy and ‘Brexpats’ (print)
  32. May is right to hold a general election (print)
  33. May-day: Looking at the general election (print)
  34. Moggmentum is the last straw of sanity (print)
  35. New Year’s resolutions are hogwash 
  36. Of course Wonder Woman deserves and all-female showing (print)
  37. Opinion: Terrorism can’t become normalised (print)
  38. Our responses to terror must be consistent (print)
  39. Passports are a hint of things to come
  40. Read this before you see Dunkirk (print)
  41. Shouldn’t International Men’s Day be as important as International Women’s Day?
  42. Stop panicking about Jodie Whittaker (print)
  43. The Apprentice is bad for business and bad for the BBC
  44. The Diana tapes are a macabre indulgence (print)
  45. The old men in grey suits should be listened to (print)
  46. The rise of the social media wedding
  47. Tired of government officials lying to you? (print)
  48. Trains, planes and bins: how Almeria works (print)
  49. Trump’s obvious historical strategy (print)
  50. The UK is not coming apart at the seams over Europe (print)
  51. Understanding Spain’s political parties (print)
  52. Votes for life must only be the beginning
  53. When Churchill bribed Franco (print)
  54. Who’s who in Almeria politics (print)
  55. Why Brexit matters to Almeria (Almeria)
  56. Why Esteban Gonzalez Pons’ comments on Scotland don’t matter (print)
  57. Why doesn’t Spain love the iPhone? (print)
  58. Why irredentism explains Brexit
  59. Why it’s time for overseas MPs
  60. Why Theresa May is wrong about human rights (print)
  61. Why Tim Farron had to go (print)
  62. Why Trump matters to Europe (print)
  63. Why Spain and Britain are two peas in a pod (print)
  64. WIll apps kill pubs? (print)
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The Sol Times - News reporting - Spain

Blog & Essays

E: agjstewart1@gmail.com

M: 07549504281

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Place Design Scotland
The Scottish Review

Journals & Magazines

E: agjstewart1@gmail.com

M: 07549504281

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History Scotland

Print album


Churchill and Balmoral 

Why have the Scots forsaken Churchill?

The Scot who nearly killed Franco

Churchill: Remember the man, not the myth

Part 1: Debunking the cult of Churchill

Using primary sources to explore the statesman’s life and work.

Part 2: Churchill as a military leader

A look at Churchill’s reputation as a boorish war leader with a penchant for expeditions over expediency. Is it justified?

Part 3: Churchill the actor

For all his flaws and quirks, Churchill makes for an infinitely more interesting character study than the heavily redacted, and catastrophically cliched, caricature of a stoic leader with a jutted jaw and cigar.

Part 4: Why the real quotes are better than the memes

Alastair calls for a more significant distinction between the real and apocryphal stories about Churchill.

Part 5: A heavy drinker?

Examining Churchill’s reputation as a heavy drinker.

Part 6: The real price of ale

If Churchill wasn’t an alcoholic, but if he fanned tall drinking tales about himself, then what was he at heart?

Part 7: Churchill was a peacemaker, not just a warrior

Exploring Churchill’s postwar role as a peacemaker.

Part 8: The Dream reveal’s Churchill’s soul

What ‘The Dream’ can tell us about Churchill’s relationship with the father he thought never believed in him.

Part 9: Churchill & Europe – the ultimate myth?

The many Churchills, the many Europes.

Part 10: Churchill on our doorstep

Where are the books dedicated to Churchill and Scotland?

E-International Relations

Think Tanks

E: agjstewart1@gmail.com

M: 07549504281

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TV & Radio

E: agjstewart1@gmail.com

M: 07549504281

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Complete podcast here.

Triling - News 24 - Macedonia

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